Sunday, August 5, 2012


Ok so bottom line is I'm an idiot, who signs up for a half marathon (13.1 miles) when they would rather stab themselves then actually run.  That'd be me! Sometimes into this "training" I really think about why I'm so stupid, however, it also kinda rocks.  Bottom line I was never good at running, we're talking back of the line, girl that you see running 10 minutes after the whole team already runs by.  I don't run fast and I freakin HATED it.  My version of running was barely making it through a mile and then moving on.

Well now days I need to run, for the half marathon and for my sanity.  With everything with the house I'm basically too broke to actually do anything and anyone that knows me knows I love my shopping.  No more random $100 trips to target for this girl, I haven't set foot into a mall in 3 months! Even getting dinner with friends is tough money wise for me right now, so sadly I've turned to running.  Now I'm still not sure about this whole half marathon thing, but I have 2 months to figure it out and this girl can now run 5 miles, who would've thunk it?!

So basically me and my nearby running trail are in a relationship, and it's getting serious, he's cheap.  I'm going to spend some time with him today.

Andddddddd pretty sure this is how I look running

side note: way to kick ass today Andy Murray, fell in love when he cried at Wimbledon and love watching him get gold today!

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