Wednesday, August 26, 2015

29 by 30

Me a few years ago, sober.

Yep, today I'm the big 2-9.

Nothing cool happens at 29, other than people making almost 30 jokes. 

There are a ton of things I want to accomplish this year. 

I want it to be a year of evolution and start out 30 feeling accomplished. 

I could make a list of goals, but I don't want to box myself into them.

This needs to be my year of "yes". I want to be overwhelmed and scared and still do it anyway.

I want to push myself so far outside my comfort zone I don't remember what that is anymore.

(Disclaimer: This still bans online dating, I'm still traumatized from AIM Catfishing)

Time to step my game up entirely. You can sleep when you're 30.

First step:plan an adventure. 

To be continued....


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