Thursday, June 11, 2015


It's much harder to find someone that you like, want to talk to than it is to find a man you want to sleep with.

Sometimes you're just looking to be pushed, for motivation and a spark to get you back on your game.  Mindy Kaling always does it to me.  She's a BOSS in every sense of the word, and so smart that it moves you to be better.

She gives such a voice to women, and single women.  She has an unapologetic, straight forward approach to life, but is sweet and funny at the same time.

She expresses the difficulty of being a woman who is single in her early 30's, which is something that is nice to hear, since most of the people our age are married and having kids.

I just needed to hear this, this level of power in a woman that you feel, but sometimes feel like you shouldn't.

It's strange to be so OK with being alone and being me, I feel like I should be lonely and online dating.  I'd rather drink my beer and go out with my friends, and there is nothing wrong with that.

There will always be boys, but the experiences you have with yourself are sometimes the ones that you will never forget.


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