Wednesday, December 31, 2014

10, 9, 8, 7......

New Year's Eve, to me, is one giant pain in the ass.  I always make plans, I always find the "perfect" outfit and once the night rolls around I hate where I'm going and I'm uncomfortable all night.  This huge night for a 10 second countdown has never thrilled me.

I'm not one to pass up a chance for a new outfit and a drink, but this is one holiday I could do without.

This year I finally get to do what I want, absolutely nothing.  I will be on my couch, drinking a jug of wine, probably watching The Office.  For the first time in about 6 years I won't go out and even deal.  

This is a little reverse psychology, maybe if I don't go out and party this year will bring me a tall boy with light eyes full of mischief and dimples.
Fingers crossed.


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

True Love

I'm so lucky with the group of girls I have in my life.  I have those friends you see in TV shows.  They're loyal, they listen, and we tell each other the truth.  There's no room for bullshit in my life and my friends have the same philosophies.  We aren't afraid to kick each other in the ass if needed.

I had dinner with 3 of my girls last night and we can literally talk about anything.  It's refreshing to be around the people that have known you at your worst and at your best.  I don't even know how we end up on some of the topics, but it's a never ending conversation.

I'm never afraid if they're going to judge me, I would never judge their choices, and we aren't pretending with each other.

I don't know how people go through life without that kind of support system but I'm damn lucky I have it.

Side note, if you are ever in the Bel Air, MD area check out the Steelefish Grille.  Other than a small snafu on a waiter, we had fantastic service and the food was really good. The atmosphere is calm and they left us alone enough to never stop talking, but still made sure our glasses weren't empty.


Monday, December 29, 2014

Home for the Holidays

This Christmas was a little out of the ordinary.  Mom had knee surgery last Monday, my sister came down with the flu, and the significant others were all away.  

I spent the majority of the week on the couch with my mom, watching movies while she passed out from the pain killer.

It's odd to think that was potentially the last Christmas I will spend in the house I grew up in for the past 20 years.  It didn't really hit me, but it's the truth.  

This house saw my life for the past 20 years, I grew up there, and fell apart there.  I was put back together there too.  

I'm sure when it comes down to it actually letting go of the house is going to be rough. The thought of not going there next Christmas is strange, but my home is my house now.  My home is wherever my mom and sister are.  

Christmas is about being with the ones you love the most, and being holed up in the house with my mom, with a special guest appearance from my sister is that.


Monday, December 22, 2014

On the third day of Christmas

Y'all Christmas is in 3 days!  How did that happen? Honestly I don't know where the year went, but so much has happened, and 2015 is shaping up to be action packed too. I have goals and ideas for my life changes in the next year, all exciting. Closing out 2014 is going to include a lot of drinks, a lot of laying on the couch, and a lot of live.

  • Have you guys seen my Wildcats this season?! I mean I don't think they're indestructible but they are sure looking like they are.

  • Emma Watson's UN speech on Feminism has created such a dialogue around the word that it is opening the door to so many discussions for younger generations. I love it and I love her.

  • There are few things I love more than a good Rosie recipe, and this Christmas drink is no different. Hot-tail time.
Mom is getting knee surgery this morning, it's an out-patient procedure but I'm still nervous.  Good vibes this way please, and I'll be spending the holidays with my favorite people watching my mom on pain meds.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Hark the herald

We had a "name that tune" Christmas contest at work and it's shocking how many people don't know the other truly amazing Christmas songs. You won't find these on a Bing Crosby album, but they're Christmas legends.

Yep Swifties, we have an anthem for the holidays.
Still a top favorite. Look how young they were!

The last and best.  Nothing says Christmas like TLC.


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Merry Christmas, every one

Christmas for me will always be this picture.  I would get a brand new dress with all the matching accessories and go tell Santa what I wanted with my sister.  

It took me a while to warm up to Santa.

We got over it though. (Notice my sister, not even effected a bit)

My family would always go to this Christmas kids party at our country club in Pittsburgh and dance our hearts out.  I was that lucky kid who always had a perfect Christmas.

Christmas after my Dad passed away didn't feel the same for a while. The last Christmas when he was sick was excruciating and I didn't want a happy thought near me for a few years after.  

Luckily, my wonderful mother pulled us through and now Christmas is this time of love for me again.  I love buying things for my loved ones. I love drinking mimosas and watching movies all day.  I love having the time off to be with my family.  

I feel lucky for what I've had more than what I miss.  The ones we love aren't really ever gone, they're alive in our thoughts and our memories and Christmas is a celebration of that.

OK, can we take a moment to admire the hot pink overalls I was rockin? I knew even then a statement color in an outfit was important.


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Eat, drink, and be merry

We're getting to D-day here people and last minute gift ideas are like trying to write a novel in a night.  If you have anyone in your family who is a kitchen dweller like me these are some outside of the box ideas that would make someones day.  

I'll tell you a huge secret: everything is under $50 and everything you can get in a mall. 

And who doesn't want a bacon making kit? If you know a person who doesn't you shouldn't be buying them a Christmas present.

Trying to make it easy for you people because I've been that girl thinking that buying your Mom that flat iron from that stand in the middle of the mall is a good idea.


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Hold on we're going home

  • If this doesn't make you laugh at your desk you're hopeless. Phoebe Buffay is one of my favorite characters ever.

  • I'm 100% addicted to this guy's IG.  He has a foundation that rescues big cats and you immediately fall in love with these guys, but realize why they'd be such terrible pets. Cielo is my favorite.

  • Emily is the cutest and this sweatshirt is to die for. I love any kind of comfort clothing you can pass off as dressy.

One more final paper to submit and I'm free for a few weeks!  So many things to get started in the new year!


Monday, December 15, 2014

Anchor's Away

This weekend was pretty great.  I didn't expect to be as blown away by going to the Army vs. Navy game as I was.  

I've been to a lot of sporting events, and some pretty epic battles, but there was just a different feel to this one.  It was like everyone was so full of pride for both teams, and people were there to celebrate all together rather than see a battle.

I saw a lot of loved ones reunited with their kids in uniform.  My best friend cried at least 3 times with the moving moments during breaks in the game.  

I just felt like I was in a room full of heroes, people who were willing to do so much more for our country than most of us, and they're just kids.  It's moving and overwhelming, but more importantly it's something I will never forget.

I may have cried twice but I'll deny it if you tell anyone.


Friday, December 12, 2014

My country, 'tis of thee

This weekend my lovely city of Baltimore is hosting the Army vs. Navy game.  I'm lucky enough to have a BFF who scored tickets so I will be spending my Saturday surrounded by some of our county's finest and watching a live football game.

Wait, am I dreaming? 

Nope still here, OK yes it's a dream day.

If you don't hear from me it's because some gorgeous man in uniform has swept me off my feet and I'm never looking back.


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Baby you're the ultimate

Did you ever get to see Santa when you were little and ask him for the things you never in a million years thought you'd get.  Well this list is basically my adult version.  

I mean if you think wanting Christian Loub booties is reaching for the stars, if you don't I want your life.

The record player is something I've been seriously thinking of getting back into.  I remember looking at records when I was little and I would kind of love to see the quality found in old vinyls compared to my IPhone.

The bag, bib and dress are not too far outside the box, but I doubt I would find it within reason to get these for myself. 

Girl's gotta dream right.

P.S. I wouldn't say no to a couple of plane tickets with blank destinations either.

Monday, December 8, 2014

It's beginning to look a lot like.......

This weekend I officially have Christmas spirit.  I took my annual trip to NYC for my sister's birthday and nothing can get you into the Christmas spirit like New York City.  I remember a time when I used to dread this time of year but not anymore.

  • I wasn't feeling ear cuffs until my favorite ladies at All The Wire released this bad boy. Where do I sign up?  I'll also take this if you're shopping for me.

  • One of my favorite girls Dana is a Pens fan like me, and she rocks the look on her Instagram.  It's not easy to make a hockey jersey fashion, she kills it.

  • Leather and a red skirt, really? Thank you Gap.

  • This piece about retaking the word "feminism" is a game changer.

This weekend I had news that stopped my world.  When someone was part of your life, in any way, for any amount of time, they leave a mark.  Hearing news that person has passed away literally took my breathe away.  I can't imagine what their loved ones or family were going through having suddenly and tragically lost them.  I knew them as a light, as a source of fun and humor. 

Tell everyone you love that you love them.  Keep going and moving through life because it's too short to sit still.  Breathe in the moments.


Friday, December 5, 2014

There were never such devoted sisters

My sister turns 30 today, which is insane because I still feel like we're 5 and 7 most of the time.  I know most people aren't as lucky as I am.  I have this big sister that has been my built in companion my whole life.  I can't say we're best friends, because we're not, we're sisters.  

I've loved her beyond belief my whole life.  I used to wait around for her to get home from school like a puppy waiting to be let out of a crate.  When she gets a shot from the doctor I would immediately cry with her.  To this day when I see her cry I start crying, regardless of the reason.  She is literally the other half of who I am.  

We aren't alike, we barely even look like we're related, but she is clearly my sister.  I know what she is thinking by looking at her, and she knows me better than anyone.  We don't go out together all the time, we don't spend every free minute together, but she will always be the most important person in the world to me.

I might appear to be this strong badass, and I can be, but when push comes to shove she's the one that holds me together.  

She's the most charismatic person I've ever met, she walks into a room and everyone wants to talk to her.  Her smile can change and alter an atmosphere, it's HUGE!

I'm so proud of who she is.  I'm so proud of the person she has chosen to spend the rest of her life with, because he's pretty great.  I love her beyond belief and I can't believe she's officially an old lady.

Had to get that one in there.

Happy Birthday Dack Dack!


Thursday, December 4, 2014

New York, New York

This weekend marks our annual trip to NYC for my sister's birthday.   

We have been taking frequent trips to the city since we moved to Maryland when I was 8, yet my mother continues to marvel in the tourist traps and is a sucker for a brochure.  This weekend will include me on a bus (sleep on the way up, drink wine on the way back), Christmas in full effect (Macy's and a show), and my mom playing tourist(again).  

I love New York this time of year, or really any year.  My mom and I have spent full days at the Metropolitan Museum of Art getting lost and sitting in quiet.  I have marched down the streets like I know where I'm going.  I have eaten in that restaurant Miranda Presley in The Devil Wears Prada insists her steak lunch comes from.  

I used to thing this city is where I would end up after college, but that hasn't happened.  I love having it within driving distance, and living my Blair Waldorf dreams out whenever I want to take the 2 hour drive.

Making memories.  Making traditions.  Falling in love with the lights and the life every single time I go.

Welcome to New York.


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Any Man of Mine

Shopping for boys can be challenging.  Every guy is different and since I'm not a boy (if you've been paying attention) I have nothing really to relate to.  I have a few go-to stores when it comes to buying really good boy gifts: Macy's, J.Crew, Urban Outfitters and Pottery Barn.  Each of these stores has something for anyone that is a boy on your Christmas list.

What guy doesn't need a Sandlot t-shirt or "Good idea, Bad idea" shot glasses?


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Does that make me crazy?

Is anyone else completely overwhelmed with life right now?



OK, admittedly school is kind of kicking my ass.  I forgot how much I hate statistics.  I've been so used to going on with my life without the obligation of school it's hard to get back into that grind.

I have so many goals for this next year.  I have so many things I want to accomplish with my career, with the blog, and with myself it someones feels daunting.

I'm trying to carve out time for everything, starting with school and health.

Have y'all heard of Tracy Anderson?  She's the lady who kicks JLo into shape, yep right there I was sold.  Her DVD's are dance inspired, but don't let that fool ya, this lady will kick you ASS.  She is cute and always smiling so it's hard to get too mad at her.  I'm using her as my motivation to get my ass moving towards that better me.

I'll keep you updated if my statistics homework ever lets me see the light of day again.


Monday, December 1, 2014

Cyber Me

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.  Mine was filled with champagne, kitchen dance parties, and tons of food.  Next thing up is my favorite thing, shopping for the ones I love.  Cyber Monday has created this place in my world since I didn't participate in Black Friday.  

  • Macys is having some  great deals if you can't figure out what to get that person on your list.  They have tons of options at great price points. Plus free shipping for anything over $50.
  • J. Crew has 30% off full priced items and 40% off sale items with using the Holiday promo. Amazing cashmere sweaters for the men and women in your lives.
  • Old Navy has 40% off basically everything, same with Gap and Banana Republic.  Go here for anyone, you will find something cute and at a fantastic price point.
  • Kendra Scott has 15% off everything and free ground shipping with the code BFCM2014. I'd like one of everything.
  • New York & Company has 50% to 80% off of everything (I grabbed a coat).
  • Talbots has 50% off the first regular priced item and 40% off the entire order.  Go here for Mom or a sassy pair of shoes. 
  • ASOS has 20% off everything with promo CYBERWKND20. I'll take one of everything.
Happy bargain shopping! 
